Atayef is a lebanese dessert that can't be missed in all special occassion and reunion, particularly at Saint Barbara. Here you can find an easy recipe to prepare it.
- A mixer
- A non stick pan
- A sauce dispenser
Atayef Dough
- 1 Cup Flour
- 1 Cup Milk
- 1 tsp Sugar
- 1 tsp Vanille
- 1 tsp Instant yeast
- 1 tsp Sodium Bicarbonate
- 1 Cup Water warm
- 1 tsp Orange blossom
- 50 grams Crushed Pistachios
- 1 cup Ashta (Recipe:
https://ourcookingideas.com/ashta-pie) - 100 grams Crushed Walnuts
- 2 tbsp Orange Blossom Water
- 2 tbsp Rose Blossom Water
- 2 tbsp Sugar
- Add all the solid ingredient (flour, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, instant yeast) in the mixer bowl and mix them together
- Add the milk and the warm water to your mixture and mix everything together then add the vanille and the orange blossom
- Pour your mixture in the sauce dispenser
- Put your ,ixture in the fridge for about 1 hour to rest
- One hour after, put your non stick pan at a medium heat temperature then pour the dough making round shapes and keep the dough until it's golden in one side only
- Prepare your walnuts mixture by mixing the crushed walnuts, orange blossom water, rose blossom water and sugar.
- Fill the dough with either ashta and pistachio sprinkles, or with your walnuts mixture, starting from the center, and close your atayef in half moon shape.
- Serve and enjoy!
Our cooking hints:
- You can deep fry it for extra crispiness and an amazing experience
- Serve your atayef fresh for a better taste
- These can last a couple of days in the fridge, cover by a food safe plastic wrap or in a tupperware