French Baguettes
In this recipe we show you the perfect technique in order to obtain the true taste and texture of French baguettes! They are the symbol of France. These delightful pieces of bread are popular worldwide! They can come with many different incorporated ingredients but the famous “tradition” is required by law to contain only four components: flour, water, salt and yeast.
- Baguette Baking Tray
- Pastry Roll
- Dough Scraper
- Large Mixing Bowl
- 400 grams Flour T55 – T65
- 240 grams Water
- 6 grams Instant Yeast
- 8 grams Fine Salt
- Start by adding the yeast into the water, stir until completely dissolved and reserve for 15 mins
- Then in a big bowl add the flour and the yeast and mix them using a spatula
- Once ready create a hole in the middle of the bowl and add the water (which already contains the yeast at this point)
- Mix very well using the spatula until a dough starts to form
- Use your hands to make the dough come together in a more homogenous way
- Transfer the dough on a clean surface and start kneading it (do not put any flour on the surface at that point). If the dough sticks, use a dough scraper
- After a kneading of 10-15 mins, you should get an elastic dough behavior which means it is ready to rest
- Put it back in the bowl and cover it with a humid tissue for a couple of hours or until it doubles in volume
- Add flour to your working surface, put your dough over it and start pressing it to release the gas
- Divide your dough into two equal parts
- Give each dough a rectangular shape and fold it over itself 2 to 3 times, and start rolling it to give it length
- Add them on a baguette baking tray or on a regular oven tray, without forgetting the baking sheet
- Cover them newly shaped dough with the humid tissue for an hour
- After 30 mins, preheat your oven at 250 degrees Celsius (482 degrees Fahrenheit) , after adding a small recipient filled with water
- After another 30 minutes, they should have doubled in volume. Using a razor or sharp knife, create diagonally curved cuts (This step is crucial)
- Put your them in the oven for 10 minutes
- Reduce the heat to 210 degrees Celsius (410 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake for another 25 minutes
- Remove from the oven and put the newly baked goods on a cooling rack
- Wait 15 mins and taste some heavenly homemade baguettes! Bon appétit!
Our Cooking Hints:
- The water recipient added in step 14 will help the formation of crust. This is done to mimic the humid atmosphere that can be created in professional ovens found in bakeries
- The cut in step 15 if not done well, will not allow the gas to espace while baking the baguette and will thus result in a mediocre outcome
- Baguette trays allow the shape of the baguette to be respected especially when the dough is rising. They are a must for every bread making lover!
- A gentle tap over the top or bottom of a baked baguette should return a hollow sound if it has been properly cooked
- You can add to your baguettes before cooking different type of cereals or seeds and even flour for a rustique esthetic