Lightly flour your work surface and place your dough on it
Deflate it from the formed gases by pressing it with your finger tips
Start rolling it until you obtain a rectangle of 5-6 mm in thickness
Spread your rectangle with melted butter all over
In a small bowl, add the cinnamon and sugars and whisk well
Sprinkle them all over your rectangle
Position yourself at one of the long edges of the rectangle, and start rolling your dough forward. Make sure to tighten from time to time. It's the same as rolling a carpet
Once you've rolled your carpet dough, using a knife, cut the first cinnamon roll, and use it as a reference to continue cutting in order to obtain identical pieces
Place them on a baking sheet on a baking tray, forming a filled circle, but keep some space between them as they will proof before the oven and rise once in the oven
Do not worry that they will come in contact, this is exactly the purpose!
Place them in the turned off oven so they double in volume (This takes around 1 hour)